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Pastor Sam

832-434-6416 | [email protected] 

Welcome to MVCY everyone! I am Pastor Sam and I am the youth pastor for our ministry. I am a simple guy, just a regular joe who likes to have fun, always open for some good grubs, and have a beautiful wife and 2 cutest babies (no cap). And I am here as a pastor not because I am any special but only by the grace of God, and that is what I love to preach 🙂

Enough about me and let me tell you a little bit about our ministry. MVC YM is the youth ministry (YM) in the local church called Maranatha Vision Church. The adult ministry is divided into Korean-speaking ministry (KM) and English-speaking ministry (EM) which exist as one church. Our ministry is for the middle school (6th-8th) and high school (9th-12th) students of both congregations. We currently have close to 80 students on our roster (2020-2021 ministry year). This includes students who attend our church with their parents and those without.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:19-20)

We welcome you all and hope to get to know each and every one of you very soon!


& a fun fact about them!
Paul, Director
• Korean name means "continue/ hurry up." Loves basketball and soccer.
Jeff, Director
• Long suffering fan of the Chicago Bears football team. Avid reader of Classical Chinese literature.
Wucherl, Teacher
• Once was lost but came back to God by his grace. Started mountain biking during the pandemic.
Jehah, Teacher
• Loves dogs and a passionate cellist ♡
Andrew, Teacher
• I have multiple pair of the same pants and I wear the same shirt all the time. This way I don’t have to think about what to wear, which is truly exhausting for me. It also allows people to identify me from afar. Added benefit.
One Jae, Teacher
• Loves to travel and enjoys time in the skies!
Chris, Teacher
• Can't go without Hawaiian poke and pho at least once a month. Love praising God. I love Jesus!
Jason, Teacher
• An explorer who loves to try new things
Esther, Teacher
• Always down for a cup of coffee no matter what time and likes trying new recipes for family and friends!
Yujeoung, Teacher
• Pray to God, Never give up, Do your best.
Daniel, Teacher
• Between the ages of 1-18, moved 25 times. Have friends in most locations in Korea.
Kyungmin, Teacher
•Servant of God by His Grace.
Jinhyuk, Teacher
• Loves to travel, eat and praise the Lord.
Boram, Teacher
• Can laugh for days over a good joke. Easily won over with good food.
Sung-Soo, Teacher
• I love 3Bs: Bible, Brain, Baeuja
Ellie, Teacher
• I can fall asleep in 10 seconds